Reflective Summary

This project has been working with a client as a small group of two, Filip and I. I’ve had some positives and negatives while working on this projects and after working on it this semester we also have some things that I would like to improve on if I was to start this project again.


What went well while making the EP for our client?

overall, I think what went well was mine and Filip’s teamwork. We met weekly to write up on our blog, we met up to go through our clients MIDI and tab for different instruments. As for studio sessions, I organised them. I contacted the musicians and then organised studio sessions with them, me and Filip took it in turns to book out the equipment.

What went wrong while making the EP for our client?

Overall, our projects had a lot of downfalls. Our client wasn’t massively clear on what he wanted and it felt like we were doing all the work for him, for example, he was not bothered about lyrics, however, Filip and I thought that his songs would benefit if they had lyrics to them.

One of the main things that went wrong was our session musicians. we didn’t need a bass player as our client was sending the recording of his bass playing. We had James Jolly as our guitarist for the project but he couldn’t play for us anymore as he broke his hand. We asked Paul Hawksworth if he could play the drums for us, but then a few hours before we were due to record he cancelled on us both. The other instruments like the synths and the keyboard, Filip and I were going to record them. In the end, Filip suggested that we VTS all of our songs as it was our only option and time was running out for us, hence the extension of our deadline. I also feel like we could have had a better connection with our client as we should have had consent feedback rather than three Skype session through our entire project.

If you were to do this again, what would you do differently? 

If I was to do this again I would make sure that I had reliable musicians who I knew wouldn’t let me down and back up musicians just in case our first choices became unavailable. I also feel like we could have done deeper research into our bands that influenced our work and the bands that our client sent us as a sound reference for the type of genre he wanted these songs to sound like. Next time I would also stick more closely to the timetable that we made. the timetable was made for us so we kept in time for the end of project deadlines. Also, we should have turned up to more sessions with our tutor, we didn’t go to many and I feel that the feedback that we could have gotten would have helped improve the project and it could have been better if we had gone.

Week 7

Drums from our song: I wanna Go Home


There has been a lot of problems with drummers for this project. Filip and I couldn’t find anyone to come in on time to keep to the schedule we made. Filip then suggested (as we were running out of time) that we should use VST drums. Filip did record drums for one track but we decided to stay with VST as Filip couldn’t drum the part, he’s not specialised in drums so it wasn’t very good. We looked at the MIDI our client sent us and turned from being very basic and simple to something more complex, we added velocity, weight behind the drum hits and swing. Here are some of the screenshots of the process we went through. Also, some audio of the drum tracks that our client sent us and what our end drums sound like.


This is the original drum MIDI from our client.


This is our improved version of the drums (VST)


Basic MIDI from client
Basic MIDI from client
Our improved drum sounds VST
Our improved drum sounds VST